Meet Naples' Confident & Courageous Coach!
On a scale from 1-10, how successful have you been in keeping the resolutions you set for yourself on January 1st? If you’re like most, you resolved yourself to change a laundry list of things including but not limited to your diet, your water intake, your exercise regiment, less screen time, less spending, et cetera… If you lasted more than a couple of weeks, congratulations! If you’re beating yourself up, knock it off! It’s human nature to goal ourselves to an unattainable height but before you cancel your gym membership and lose yourself in a browser blackout while you eat junk food, keep reading because we have some expert advice to get you back on track and staying on track! And if you’ve been following The Naples Insider for some time, you might be thinking “This is different than the typical content TNI delivers!?” and you’re absolutely right! But in keeping with the goals theme, we set a goal for ourselves this year to share and promote more local businesses and brands that are positively contributing to the amazing community of Naples! So please give a warm welcome to our first one of the year...
Meet Alexa Massie!
She is Health and Confidence Coach that helps women transform into leading confident, courageous lives rooted in health and happiness! This Naples Native is a wife, a mom of two littles, a personal trainer, and a lead instructor at CycleBar! With all that going on in addition to her thriving coaching business, she is the authority on setting attainable goals and staying accountable for seeing them through so we invited her here to share with us her top tips that will empower and equip you to crush your goals in ways you’ve never been able to before.
There are so many different reasons why people lose sight of their goals, even within the first month of the new year. Some people goal set without actually sitting down to FEEL if their goals are actually things that they want to go for (ever set a goal to run a half marathon… but HATE running? Yeah, me too) Some people DO want to attain their goals- but have no idea how to road map their point A to point B. MOST people end up saying that they just can’t find the time (ugh!).
SO how do you align yourself with your goals? How do you create a road map to get you to your end goal and HOW do you find that elusive time?
First off; don’t rush into goal setting. Just because January is over doesn’t mean you can’t start fresh with new goals. Sometimes it takes me weeks or months to figure out what I actually want. You want your goals to be in total alignment with where you are physically and emotionally. If you hate running, don’t set a goal to run a half marathon but maybe find your local cycle studio and set your goal to attend 4 classes a week.
Once you set your goal and you feel TOTALLY compelled to go after it, realize that there are several smaller steps to get you to the end. You cant get from A to Z by skipping all the letters in between, right? Goals are the same way. You can’t set them and wake up the next day and check them off your list. Creating an action plan, identifying what the smaller stepping stones are to get you to your ultimate goal is so important. This is what I do with my clients all the time. It’s like creating a little road map!
Last, please... for the LOVE of goal setting stop saying you don’t have the time. I work three jobs, have two small kids, family, friends, etc.. and there will STILL be someone out there who is busier than I am and gets more done. Point is, you’re never TOO busy, you’re just not prioritizing. If this is important to you (which, if you took one serious step it will be) you’ll create the time. Whether it’s waking up early or staying up late, you have to carve out the time you want to work on the things you want to accomplish. For me, I literally can’t even finish an episode of ANYTHING past 8:45 pm without falling asleep on the couch (sorry hub) so staying up later doesn’t work for me. However, I have no problem setting my alarm for 5 am and getting up an hour before my kids to either work on my business or get a workout in.
If January got away from you, don’t let the other 11 months do the same. Take hold of the reigns and start creating the life that you were destined to live. Be relentless in the pursuit of your best YOU yet.
So, are you feeling empowered and equipped to get back up, brush yourself off, and crush it this year?
If you loved Alexa’s advice and want more, you can join her FREE Facebook group where she shares super valuable content with her growing community of women (Believe me, it’ll be your go-to for a confidence boost or a much-needed kick in the butt!). If you’re looking for, even more, Alexa offers 1:1 coaching where she will help you identify your goals, create a crystal clear road map, hold you accountable to taking the steps to accomplish them and empower you to have the ultimate confidence in every aspect of your life. It’s like having your own personal cheerleader with you at all times!
How can you get in touch with Alexa?
To join Alexa’s FREE Facebook group, CLICK HERE!
To schedule a no-obligation discovery call with Alexa to see if 1:1 coaching with her is a good fit for you, CLICK HERE! She’s only taking on a handful of 1:1 clients so don’t miss out on this opportunity!
Did you like this post? We hope so because you’ll be seeing more posts promoting local businesses and brands that we feel align with the mission of The Naples Insider and are making a positive impact on the Naples community! Stay tuned!
Matt & Megan